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2015 թվականի դրամաշնորհների ցանկ

  • Date of Grant Letter:



    Civil Society

    Grant Number:



    Compass, Research, Training and Consultancy Center, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To ensure integrity of the referendum on constitutional amendments to be held on December 6, 2015. Within the project, a special software will be developed to analyze officially published voters list to reveal names of voters with identical data. Official inquiries will be sent to authorities on the revealed data. Results of the analyses will be published and disseminated in booklets, also, two press conferences will be organized in Gyumri and Yerevan. User-friendly info-graphics will be prepared and shared in social networks. Compass, Research, Training and Consultancy, NGO will closely cooperate with Transparency International Anticorruption Center and will compare monitoring results. In addition, with the help of volunteers, in place monitoring of the revealed data will be carried out in Gyumri.

  • Date of Grant Letter:



    Civil Society

    Grant Number:



    Asparez, Journalists' Club, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To continue the capacity development of established Civic Youth Centers in Gyumri, Vanadzor, Armavir and Gavar through using Freedom of Information (FOI) and oversight over public funds as a tool. The project consists of three main clusters: 1) trainings and workshop on FOI, local government, monitoring of health care and education institutions, election observation; 2) public oversight by youth groups over local government activities, local health care and public schools; 3) local election observation and training of new observers. In total 12 trainings and educational activities will be organized on Freedom of Information law, monitoring of public resources, health care institutions and schools, local authorities' activities; 10 trainings on election observation with at least 30 new participants will be organized; 12 public oversight initiatives will be implemented by youth groups on local government, local elections, health care and schools; 2 presentations of monitoring results will be organized in Yerevan and 12 discussions in 4 Youth Centers.

  • Date of Grant Letter:



    Civil Society

    Grant Number:



    Hazarashen, Armenian Center for Ethnological Studies

    Grant Amount:



    To raise public awareness on the repressions of Stalin era via generating name lists of victims based on several criteria such as time of the repression, formal accusation, court decision, punishment, consequence, court acquittal. The lists will be published and used by the project team as tools for active communication with the public (press conferences, TV programs, public presentations) to reinforce public demand for civic approach when dealing with the state power, facilitate further research and public discussion on Stalin era repressions and their consequences for Armenian society nowadays.

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Armenian Center for Political and International Research, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To assess the extent of monopolization of the Armenian media advertising market, to analyze actual numerical data and to create legal and organizational framework that might contribute enhancing and promoting independence of media and freedom of the press. An analysis will be conducted to find out sources of funding and advertising market size for television, online media, radio; alternative mechanisms to overcome the monopoly of the media advertising market will be developed and introduced; organizational framework for creating an industrial committee/self-governing body with participation of the representatives of media and advertising agencies will be developed aimed to monitor the situation in media advertising market and to prevent possible monopolies, as well as to monitor the ethical and legal norms existing in the advertising market. The research also aims to reveal ownership of sales houses and media. Public presentation of the research findings will be organized at the end of the project. The final report will present recommendations on alternative solutions/methods to overcome monopoly. The report will be an advocacy tool for reducing the degree of monopolization of the media advertising market; it will be presented to the media outlets, the relevant state agencies, and international organizations.

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Communities Finance Officers Association, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To conduct comprehensive research on social dimension of secondary education through two phases: transition and main. The purpose of transition phase will be conducting baseline survey among all schools across the country (including all types of schools) and collecting data about school facilities, funding, staff and students (list of data to be mutually agreed before the start of the project). Collected data should be transformed into corresponding database with possibility to produce different analytical reports. Within the transition phase the scope, questions and relevant methodology of main research on social dimension should be developed. The purpose of the main phase will be research on social dimension of secondary education. Final expected outcome of the project will be the comprehensive and analytical report on social dimension of secondary education with the policy recommendations on how to promote social equity and equality in secondary education and what steps to undertake to allow equal access to quality education for all.

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Bridge of Hope, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To promote equitable access to inclusive preschool education for children with disability and special need for education in Armenia and their smooth transition through education levels. The project will development and lobby a strategy for better inclusion for children with disabilities in pre and primary education settings through smoothing the transition gaps between preschool and primary schools; strengthening the capacity of 7 pre-school and 7 primary school teachers and parents to support the inclusion and facilitate smooth transition of children from preschool to primary school, and raising the awareness of key stakeholders and the general public on the important role of transition phases for proper inclusion of children with disabilities in the system of education.

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Umbrella, Journalists International Network, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To conduct training for the Armenian journalists by the Guardian editors to build the capacity of the local journalists and increase visibility of the Armenian issues in the world media. Three day training will be organized in Yerevan during April 10 - 12, 2016 by the Guardian editors Judith Soal and Maeve Shearlaw. Ten participants will be selected from the journalists interested in the training. TV/online interview and a public lecture will be organized by the Guardian editors.

  • Date of Grant Letter:



    Public Health

    Grant Number:



    Yerevan State University, Center of Applied Psychology

    Grant Amount:



    To purchase equipment (a notebook, a printer, a projector) in order to support the development of the training plan and training-methodological manual, as well as promote teaching and promotion (the introductory events, meetings) of a 48 academic hours multidisciplinary “Clinical psychology and psychotherapy” Master’s Program course on “Palliative psychology” at the Yerevan State University.

  • Date of Grant Letter:



    Public Health

    Grant Number:



    Yerevan State University, Center of Applied Psychology

    Grant Amount:



    To promote institutionalization of a 48 academic hours multidisciplinary “Clinical psychology and psychotherapy” Master’s Program training course on “Palliative psychology” at Yerevan State University through analyzing an international practice within the field of academic education on palliative medical care, particularly on palliative psychology; developing and piloting the specialized course and promoting the training course among potential stakeholder groups. The course will include psychological, medical and social aspects of palliative care; 24 hours of lectures, 8 hours - seminars, 6 hours - lectures on palliative medicine, 6 hours - social work within palliative therapy and 4 hours - practice courses within palliative care department of National Center of Oncology after V.Fanarjyan.

  • Date of Grant Letter:



    Civil Society

    Grant Number:



    Analytical Center on Globalization and Regioanl Cooperation

    Grant Amount:



    For development of an Action Plan for the visa dialogue stage of the visa liberalization process. ACGRC will build on the document produced through its previous grant. The organization will engage anti-corruption and anti-discrimination experts for research on visa dialogue processes, particularly focusing on development of such alternative policy documents and advocacy products. The research will identify the full scope of international commitments that Armenia needs to take in the context of human rights and justice framework for successful implementation of the visa dialogue stage of the liberalization process. ACGRC will advocate the developed recommendations with the government, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Assembly and EU missions for inclusion of these recommendations in the government’s Action Plan.

  • Date of Grant Letter:



    Civil Society

    Grant Number:



    Analytical Center on Globalization and Regional Cooperation

    Grant Amount:



    To monitor the implementation of visa facilitation process in Armenia. Within this component, the NGO will monitor implementation of visa dialogue process both by the EU Embassies, relevant state agencies and the visa centers; monitor implementation of readmission agreement through official requests to State Migration Service; collect, analyze visa rejection cases; conduct a training for civil society, media and youth on the visa liberalization process. Within this project, the Analytical Center on Globalization and Regional Cooperation (ACGRC) will engage experts from Poland and Ukraine for the training component. In order to ensure publicity of its work and to spread information on project findings, ACGRC will conduct a public discussion of the monitoring report in Yerevan and an information session in Idjevan. Additionally, the NGO will actively collaborate with media representatives and the Media Center to spread information on project findings throughout the year.

  • Date of Grant Letter:



    Public Health

    Grant Number:



    Center for Rights Development, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To promote rights of patients in healthcare through creation of a hotline. The hotline will enable Center for Rights Development, NGO to document and promote rights of patients in Armenia by providing free-of-charge legal consultation (approximately 500-800 calls), as a result of consultations and documentation of cases, the NGO will develop recommendations for decision makers and stakeholders (state bodies, healthcare professionals, media and NGOs) to prevent and restore violated rights. In the framework of this project a hotline will be established; preparatory technical work will be implemented, operators will be trained in order to be able to use the system and warranty services will also be provided.

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Women's Resource Center

    Grant Amount:



    To strengthen the capacity of young women from 5 selected regions (Lori, Shirak, Armavir, Kotayk and Gegharkunik) of Armenia to take ownership over the solution of women’s problems in their communities through implementation of local initiatives. For this purpose WRC plans to deepen the skills and knowledge of project beneficiaries (75-100) for successful realization of their own initiatives through conducting training and online awareness raising. For successful implementation of the small projects, WRC plans to attach 3 mentors to regions and build their capacity through training and security workshop (2 day workshop for 15-20 people) to prevent burnout and security issues. Additionally, at the end of the project, WRC will create regional network of active women to ensure sustainability of the project, they will also help and empower other women of their region. To ensure the participation and mobilization of women in regions, WRC will cooperate with its partners in these regions where they have already conducted training and awareness raising.

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Women's Resource Center

    Grant Amount:



    To develop capacities of Armenian parents in order to address the issues related to sexual and reproductive rights with their adolescent children. On the long term, the communication established between parents and children will eventually create a safer space when more sensitive issues are tackled. For this purpose the NGO aims to study attitudes of Armenian parents towards sexual and reproductive rights of their adolescent children, and based on data from the research to develop policy recommendations on changing a discourse around sexuality in the Armenian society taking into account local mentality and values, including decision makers and main stakeholders. Within the project WRC will develop knowledge of Armenian parents on various issues regarding sexual and reproductive rights and will develop their skills to talk with their children around these topics by organizing 5-day trainings for parents from 20 schools in Yerevan and 3 regions (Armavir, Lori, Gegharqunik). At the end of the 1st year project a core group of parents (50) will be formed for future advocacy and lobbying activities and 1000 parents will be trained. Another component of the project is to develop gender sensitive approach when talking about sexuality with boys and girls and to sensitize Armenian parents around the issues of LGBT by producing 2 public social advertisements (PSAs), developing a website on adolescent sexuality in Armenia and publication and dissemination of information brochure (1000 examples). The NGO will also organize round table discussions with stakeholders and policy makers to present the results of the study and to establish connections among parents and policy makers for future advocacy purposes. At the end of the project a network/support group of active parents will be formed that will continue awareness raising and advocacy work beyond the time of current project

  • Date of Grant Letter:



    Public Health

    Grant Number:



    Khnamk, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To install heating system for the community based service. The project aims to achieve a systematic change in the area of mental health. The premises are provided by the City Municipality of Spitak town. The model will be based on recovery and community participation principles.

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Collaboration for Democracy Center, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To promote the reforms in Penitentiary system in Armenia by researching corruption practices and medical services in penitentiary institutions and developing recommendations for making regulations of the penitentiary system in line with international and European prison rules and advocating for implementation of effective mechanisms protecting detainees' and convicts' rights. The Group will conduct monitoring of human rights violations and provision of medical services in all penitentiary institutions with deeper focus on diseases incompatible with punishment and rights of marginalized groups (drug users, LGBT, prisoners with mental health problems). The Group will research and develop recommendations for improvement of the government decision N 825 on provision of medical services in penitentiary institutions. The Group will also carry out monitoring of procurement policies of the penitentiary institutions to reveal corruption mechanisms. The monitoring data will be used by engaged experts for production of reports (on medical services and corruption) with recommendations for legislative and systemic improvements. The Group will closely cooperate with the Police Monitoring Group and other partners for joined advocacy of the recommended legislative amendments improving the rights protection situation of detainees and convicts in penitentiary institutions.

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Collaboration for Democracy Center, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To reveal and prevent violations of human rights in the penitentiary institutions of Armenia by regular monitoring visits to all RA penitentiary institutions, evaluating of the needs of convicts and their relatives, documenting violations and applying to relevant state bodies to redress infringements, initiating litigation, sharing information about the situation in penitentiary institutions and violations to broad public and media. The Group will particularly target corruption practices in penitentiary institutions, address the healthcare problems and medical service, study the investigation of death and self-injury cases. The Group will closely cooperate with the Police Monitoring Group for revealing torture and inhuman treatment cases and engaging other partners developing joined strategies for public awareness about the rights and situation of detainees and convicts in closed institutions. The annual report on the human rights situation in penitentiary institutions will be prepared and published.

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi

    Grant Amount:



    To develop curriculum in documentation of torture complainant with international standards, provided in Istanbul Protocol and integration into Yerevan State Medical University post-graduate medical education syllabus. Within the project the training course of 30 academic hours including the components of medical, forensic, psychological and human rights issues of torture documentation will be developed, and piloted for the post-graduate students of YSMU.

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Boundaries of Our Rights, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To develop legislative amendments and advocate for improvement of the mechanisms of monitoring of rights of detainees in the police system. This will be accomplished by: 1) developing recommendations in the Internal Order of the Group by an expert group with a purpose to provide access of the Group members to the documents kept in the personal cases of the detainees of the Police detention Centers; 2) developing recommendation to the RA Law on Treatment of Arrestees and Detainees with a purpose of fixing the mandate of the Group in the Law; 3) advocating for adoption of the amendments by the police and National Assembly through meetings with the police officials, government officials, members of the Parliament, Ombudsman, and other stakeholders, open discussion of the proposed amendments with all interested parties, meetings with international donors cooperating with the police and government to lobby the proposed amendments.

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Boundaries of Our Rights, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To reveal and prevent violations of human rights of detainees in the Police of Armenia by constant monitoring of the Detention Facilities. This will be accomplished by: 1) conducting regular planned visits (at least once to each institution) and urgent visits to the all Police Detention Facilities to evaluate the needs of detainees, document violations with a focus on ill-treatment and torture cases, physical, sanitarian and hygiene conditions of the Detention Facilities immediately apply to relevant state bodies to redress infringements; 2) initiate litigation on identified torture and ill treatment cases; 3) share information about the situation and violations in the Police Facilities to broad public and media. The Group will target the process of implementation of the Police reform as per national strategy plan and CPT recommendations; address the cases of improper investigation by the officers, health problems and medical service. The group will closely cooperate with the Penitentiary Monitoring Group for revealing torture and inhuman treatment cases and engaging other partners for publicizing the situation in closed institutions and advocating for the rights of detainees and convicts in closed institutions and for opening of Police Departments for public monitoring. The annual report on the human rights situation in the Police Detention Facilities will be prepared and published.

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    ATHK Hamakarg, LLC

    Grant Amount:



    To support production of online news series “Fourth Dimension” on Lragir.am website to provide alternative news and analysis of the current events and developments. Daily online news series will be accompanied with expert analysis and reviews. Online series “Forth Dimension” will have five parts - internal events, international events, economy, society, and culture. Online news series will become alternative source of information for the online audience. Online discussions on the constitutional amendments will be prepared and broadcast before the referendum. A code of ethics will be developed for the project participants to follow ethical standards of good journalism; an editorial board will be formed to advice on the project implementation. A pavilion will be designed for broadcasting the online series; a special part on Lragir.am website will be developed for the “Fourth Dimension”

  • Date of Grant Letter:



    Public Health

    Grant Number:



    Center for Rights Development, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To document and promote the rights of patients in Armenia through establishment of a hotline mechanism, including providing free-of-charge legal consultation (approximately 500-800 calls), supporting patients in restoration of their rights, collecting cases of violation of various patients in one electronic database, analyzing and generalizing results of calls and elaborating recommendations for the policy reform and organizing public awareness campaigns through information sharing and cooperation with all relevant partners (minimum 10 promotional posts on the Facebook, website and other media per month, preparation of 1 promotional video about hotline). During the project 7 trainings will be conducted for 2 operators by the Legal Supervisor and Lawyer and the report on general situation of health and human rights will be disseminated among the stakeholders.

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Coalition to Stop Violence Against Women

    Grant Amount:



    To show to state and non-state actors the prevalence of domestic violence in the country and the cost of delays and demand efficient response to it through preparing and publishing an annual femicide report (500 copies), raising awareness and activating civil society members around DV cause by working with media (approximately 20 interviews, articles, TV programs), developing a website, updating policy makers regularly on DV cases by sending monthly newsletters, obtaining information from state representatives on planned state activities on implementation of UPR recommendations on gender based and domestic violence and presenting the results by organizing 2 press-lunches and 6 articles. Series of public events will be organized in frames of 16 days of activism against gender based violence in Yerevan and regions (march, public events in regions, movie screening, mono performances). The coalition will develop a ToR regarding forming an expert group, where 1 representative from each NGO (max. 7 representatives) will be involved and who will decide details of the project regarding advocacy and awareness raising activities.

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Committee to Protect Freedom of Expression, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    The purpose of the grant has two directions. Within the first direction the organization’s activities aimed to conduct media monitoring of TV channels to find out to what extent TV channels cover press-conferences of political and public figures on constitutional amendments to ensure unbiased coverage and diversity of opinions on the air. Within the second component, monitoring of the campaign of the parliamentary factions over the constitutional amendments on the air of the public TV channel and the public radio will be conducted. The monitoring for the second component aims to assess to what extent the public broadcaster ensures equal conditions and objectivity for the parliamentary factions to campaign for or against the constitutional amendments; to what extent the parliamentary factions use the (paid and unpaid) airtime fully provided by the public broadcaster to campaign for or against the constitutional amendments. Monitoring results will provide the public with information about the activities of the broadcast media and the public broadcaster during the referendum campaign period in fulfilling legislative requirements on ensuring equal opportunities and objectivity of the coverage of elections and referendums. An analytical report presenting the monitoring results for the both components will be prepared. The report will be presented to the public during a press conference; a round table will be organized to discuss the results of monitoring. An infographic will be prepared to present the monitoring results in visible format.

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Boon, Cultural-Scientific Foundation

    Grant Amount:



    To produce 10 videos with English translation on constitutional reforms on Boon TV with participation of lawyers and NGO representatives. The aim of the project is to inform the citizens of Armenia about the content of the proposed amendments and to ensure their informed participation at upcoming referendum on December 6, 2015. Produced videos will be largely shared in social media and screened in communities by regional partners.

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Asparez, Journalists' Club, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To support publication of informative supplements and a booklet about the constitutional amendments beforehand of the referendum on December 6, 2015. Ten supplements with 6,000 copies each and a booklet with 300,000 copies will be printed and distributed throughout of Armenia. The printed materials will be distributed through youth centers and partner organizations. Twenty cartoons will be prepared and published in the supplements and the booklet.

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Tsayg TV, LLC

    Grant Amount:



    To support production of TV programs to ensure discussion and diversity of opinions on constitutional amendments on Tsayg TV. Beforehand of the referendum on the constitutional amendments on December 6, 2015, a series of 8 TV debates/discussions will be broadcast on Tsayg TV to present diversity of opinions on the text of the constitutional amendments for the citizens to make an educated vote on the day of the referendum. All 8 TV programs will be broadcast before the referendum to present and to discuss the pros and cons of the constitutional amendments. TV host will demonstrate unbiased approach to the topics and the guests of TV programs; diversity of opinions will be ensured by TV hosts during TV programs. In addition, 8 radio-programs will be broadcast prepared based on TV programs, 8 vox-pops and a public social advertisement will be prepared and broadcast on Tsayg TV.

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    ALT TV Media, LLC

    Grant Amount:



    To support production of TV programs to ensure discussion and diversity of opinions on constitutional amendments on ALT TV. Beforehand of the referendum on the constitutional amendments on December 6, 2015, a series of 6 TV debates/discussions will be broadcast on ALT TV to present diversity of opinions on the text of the constitutional amendments for the citizens to make an educated vote on the day of the referendum. All 6 TV programs will be broadcast before the referendum to present and to discuss the pros and cons of the constitutional amendments. TV host will demonstrate unbiased approach to the topics and the guests of TV programs; diversity of opinions will be ensured by TV hosts during TV programs.

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Kyavar TV Company, LLc

    Grant Amount:



    To support production of TV programs to ensure discussion and diversity of opinions on constitutional amendments on Kyavar TV. Beforehand of the referendum on the constitutional amendments on December 6, 2015, a series of 6 TV debates/discussions will be broadcast on Kyavar TV to present diversity of opinions on the text of the constitutional amendments for the citizens to make an educated vote on the day of the referendum. All 6 TV programs will be broadcast before the referendum to present and to discuss the pros and cons of the constitutional amendments. TV host will demonstrate unbiased approach to the topics and the guests of TV programs; diversity of opinions will be ensured by TV hosts during TV programs.

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    CHAP, LLC., GALA TV Company

    Grant Amount:



    To support production of TV programs to ensure discussion and diversity of opinions on constitutional amendments on Gala TV. Beforehand of the referendum on the constitutional amendments on December 6, 2015, a series of 10 TV debates/discussions will be broadcast on Gala TV to present diversity of opinions on the text of the constitutional amendments for the citizens to make an educated vote on the day of the referendum. All 10 TV programs will be broadcast before the referendum to present and to discuss the pros and cons of the constitutional amendments. TV host will demonstrate unbiased approach to the topics and the guests of TV programs; diversity of opinions will be ensured by TV hosts during TV programs.

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Lori TV, LLC

    Grant Amount:



    To support production of TV programs to ensure discussion and diversity of opinions on constitutional amendments on Lori TV. Beforehand of the referendum on the constitutional amendments on December 6, 2015, a series of 6 TV debates/discussions will be broadcast on Lori TV to present diversity of opinions on the text of the constitutional amendments for the citizens to make an educated vote on the day of the referendum. All 6 TV programs will be broadcast before the referendum to present and to discuss the pros and cons of the constitutional amendments. TV host will demonstrate unbiased approach to the topics and the guests of TV programs; diversity of opinions will be ensured by TV hosts during TV programs.

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Housaber CJSC, Yerkir Media TV Company

    Grant Amount:



    To support production of “Bardzradzayn” and “Round Table” TV programs on Yerkir Media TV channel to ensure discussion of important social and political developments, constitutional reforms, as well as the issues of fundamental freedoms and human rights. Beforehand of the referendum on the constitutional amendments on December 6, 2015, a series of TV debates/discussions will be broadcast to present diversity of opinions on the text of the constitutional amendments for the citizens to make an educated vote on the day of the referendum. TV discussions will also cover the various aspects of social and political life, constitutional reforms, corruption, issues of religious minorities, gender issues and problems of domestic violence, issues of persons with disability, issues of children and people living with HIV/AIDS, issues of palliative and mental health, the problems that exist in closed and semi-closed institutions. 27 discussions of “Bardzradzayn” TV debates/talk shows will be broadcast. “Bardzradzayn” TV programs will be broadcast once a week at prime-time and rerun during the week. 27 discussions of “Round Table” TV program will be broadcast. “Round Table” TV programs will be broadcast once a week at prime-time and rerun during the week. It is planned to redesign the pavilion for “Bardzradzayn”. TV hosts will demonstrate unbiased approach to the topics and the guests of TV programs; diversity of opinions will be ensured by TV hosts during TV programs.

  • Date of Grant Letter:


    Civil Society

    Grant Number:



    Transparency International Anticorruption Center

    Grant Amount:



    The purpose of the grant has two main directions: public procurement monitoring and electronic monitoring of the constitutional referendum. Within the first direction the organization’s activities aimed to contribute in the formulation and implementation of effective anti-corruption policies in Armenia through promoting transparent and accountable management of public finances and loans/credits received by the Armenian Government. The gaps and shortcomings of the Armenian legislation on public procurement will be identified; implementation of the procurement legislation in practice will be assessed; corruption risks and malpractices in procurement processes will be identified; the recommendations will be promoted. The following components will be subjects of the public procurement monitoring – appeals system, single source procurement, and framework agreements. The procurement processes related to the World Bank Education Improvement Project by public entities implementing projects funded through credits/loans received by the Armenian Government will also be monitored. The procedures of the procurement will be checked on the compliance to The World Bank Procurement Guidelines. The project team will present and disseminate the project findings on the ongoing basis through round-table discussions, policy papers/briefs, interviews to media and webpage on procurement control. An online publication will be prepared on the results of monitoring and presentation of findings, results of analysis and developed recommendations will be presented at a final round-table discussion. Methods of advocacy will be written communication with the relevant public officials, regular meetings with the representatives of international organizations, NGOs, interviews to media outlets, round-table discussions and press conferences. A special website aimed at the public oversight of public procurement through revealing and publicizing instances of fraud of public funds through procurement will be launched. Public procurement monitoring will cover November 2015 – May 2016 period. Local and international targeted groups, media, NGOs, general public will be provided with periodic analysis based on the public procurement monitoring results in form of user-friendly, essential and publicly-accessible reports aimed to raise awareness, educate and inform the various groups about the identified problems/issues. Within the second component, electronic monitoring of the constitutional reform’s referendum in Armenia will be conducted. Project aims to control the accuracy of the process and results of voting in all precincts, to analyze possible instances of irregularities and fraud during voting, widely disseminate the results of the analysis, and assess the impact of irregularities and fraud on the outcome of the referendum. Electronic monitoring software will be adjusted, being functional prior to the referendum day and a special page on TIAC website for posting the results of the monitoring will be designed. Data from the protocols of all precinct electoral commissions will be imported into the databases of the software and will be analyzed for possible irregularities and discrepancies.

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Photolure, Ltd.

    Grant Amount:



    To support #electricyerevan 2015 photo-exhibition covering cases of violations of fundamental freedoms and human rights during June 23, 2015 peaceful protests happened in Yerevan. About 70 photos with size from 40x50cm to 100x150cm will be printed for the photo-exhibition demonstrating violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms. Additionally a special booklet will be published showing all printed photos with 450 copies. Photo-exhibitions will be organized in Yerevan and regional cities (Armavir, Gyumri, Martuni, and Vanadzor)

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Investigative Journalists, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To ensure public control over the activities of the Armenian high-ranking officials through conducting journalistic investigations in European countries and former Soviet republics where they own property/assets, and businesses. Investigative journalists will travel abroad to carry out investigations in the field. The results of the journalistic investigations will be published in articles, and video materials. The project will be implemented in cooperation with Investigative Journalists, NGO and investigative reporters’ networks - Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project and Global Investigative Journalism Network. A series of 4-6 investigative articles will be published on the property/assets of the high-ranking officials owned abroad on hetq.am website. Two-day training will be organized for the investigative reporters, regional journalists

  • Date of Grant Letter:



    Civil Society

    Grant Number:



    Lore, EcoClub, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To support Lore Eco Club NGO with required 5% co-funding for participation in ENPI funded Civil society Local Energy Efficiency Network (CLEEN) project aimed at creating a sectoral regional partnership between NGOs of 4 countries (Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) to enhance the capacity of NGOs in the field of energy efficiency. In the first phase of the project (2015), the NGO will participate in the mentoring program in Gerogia including training and homework, after which during the 2nd and 3rd phases (2016,2017) the NGO will be able to apply for sub-grants and implement own projects

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Helsinki Committee of Armenia

    Grant Amount:



    To support the protection of rights of participants of June 23-27, 2015 rallies, particularly through the following activities: coordinate the cooperation between the lawyers and victims; collect the information on victims; ensure the connections between the lawyers and the victims; provide direct legal support and representation in national courts (up to 3 cases)

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:

    Grant Number 19241


    Protection of Rights Without Borders, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To support the protection of rights of participants of June 23-27, 2015 rallies, particularly through the following activities: apply to appropriate state bodies with inquires and complaints; collect the generalized information and analysis on the litigations processes; provide direct legal support and representation of national courts (up to 15 cases)

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Women's Support Center, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To support domestic violence survivors and enhance the capacity of government social workers and police to build a coordinated, sustainable response mechanism through full assistance, including shelter (minimum 30 survivors), legal, psychological and social rehabilitation to victims of domestic violence (which will help them to overcome the situation); to create a work plan with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Police Department; to conduct biweekly ToTs; to conduct trainings for social workers and police officers (31 sessions for 20 participants, 12 modules on domestic violence service provision and 8 sessions of case studies), to develop internal guideline for best practice (publishing and disseminating 100 copies of the manual), to carry out monthly field assessment and post-training evaluation

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Women's Support Center, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To advocate for the passage of law on prevention of domestic violence, build awareness campaigns around domestic violence and empower domestic violence victims through involving survivors in advocacy efforts, monthly meetings with stakeholders and community mobilization, to carry out PR and awareness raising activities, to prepare and follow up a case for the European Court, to work with the Armenian government to push for a full adoption of the domestic violence law

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Association of Women with University Education

    Grant Amount:



    "Taking into consideration 2016 local government elections, 2017 National Assembly elections as well as constitutional reform process, the Association will implement the following activities; a) two Leadership School lectures in Yerevan and Ararat (for 60 participants), b) seven round table-discussions in Center for Democracy and Peace and in Civil Initiative Regional Centers to discuss the urgent problems of social development, c) creation of an electronic network ""Women's Alliance"" as a ""platform"", d) establishment of a link between the branches of the Association in the regions and graduates of women's leadership schools to foster the exchange of ideas and to share experience as well as to work together to solve local problems, e) three one-day seminars, f) countrywide conference in Yerevan on Association’s 20-th Anniversary: Achievements and Prospects"

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Association of Women with University Education

    Grant Amount:



    To promote advocacy and to eliminate discrimination against women as a precondition for parity democracy through lobbying for the passage of the amendment to article 108 of the election code, pushing the government to implement the action plan on gender equality taking into consideration the recommendations of the 59th session of the UN commission on status of women. For this purpose the Association will organize eight one-day seminars in the country’s regions, three round table-discussions in Yerevan and regions, five leadership school lectures in Yerevan and regions (with 60 participants), meetings and consultations with relevant bodies, civil society and political parties

  • Date of Grant Letter:



    Civil Society

    Grant Number:



    Mandate, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To monitor legislative activities of the parliament, implementation of its oversight function, activities of 131 MPs and the ethics committee during 2015 fall and 2016 spring sessions to promote transparency and accountability of the parliament as a legislative, representative and political body. The project will document, analyze, and publicize the main legislative activities of the parliament, its factions, committees, and MPs. Parliamentary hearings and legislative activities of majoritorian MPs will also be monitored. The project will maintain an updated statistical database of attendance records, voting patterns, and asset declaration of individual MPs. Income and property declarations of 131 MPs will be compiled to assess dynamics of change compared with 2012. The content of legislation will be analyzed on relevance to the country’s current needs; procedure of adoption of draft laws, as well as consistency of party/faction voting patterns compared to pre-election platforms will be monitored. Discussion of the constitutional reforms by the parliament will also be monitored. The website will be updated on a regular basis with statistical data, journalistic articles, interviews and expert reviews which will be widely disseminated through media. Reports will be published at the end of each parliamentary session, summarizing and analyzing the activities of sessions, factions, the ethics committee and MPs. The reports will be presented to the public in press-conferences. Presentation of the reports and the project will be organized in the regions. The grant is aimed to purchase equipment for implementation of “Parliament Monitoring” project (Grant 19182)

  • Date of Grant Letter:



    Civil Society

    Grant Number:



    Mandate, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To monitor legislative activities of the parliament, implementation of its oversight function, activities of 131 MPs and the ethics committee during 2015 fall and 2016 spring sessions to promote transparency and accountability of the parliament as a legislative, representative and political body. The project will document, analyze, and publicize the main legislative activities of the parliament, its factions, committees, and MPs. Parliamentary hearings and legislative activities of majoritorian MPs will also be monitored. The project will maintain an updated statistical database of attendance records, voting patterns, and asset declaration of individual MPs. Income and property declarations of 131 MPs will be compiled to assess dynamics of change compared with 2012. The content of legislation will be analyzed on relevance to the country’s current needs; procedure of adoption of draft laws, as well as consistency of party/faction voting patterns compared to pre-election platforms will be monitored. Discussion of the constitutional reforms by the parliament will also be monitored. The website will be updated on a regular basis with statistical data, journalistic articles, interviews and expert reviews which will be widely disseminated through media. Reports will be published at the end of each parliamentary session, summarizing and analyzing the activities of sessions, factions, the ethics committee and MPs. The reports will be presented to the public in press-conferences. Presentation of the reports and the project will be organized in the regions

  • Date of Grant Letter:



    Civil Society

    Grant Number:



    Analytical Center on Globalization and Regional Cooperation

    Grant Amount:



    To raise awareness of regional NGOs, academicians, students and journalists, total of one hundred and fifty participants, on EU Armenia relations after the Riga Summit, particularly concentrating on the implementation of the EU-Armenia Visa Facilitation and Readmission Agreements and anticipated effects from the stage of Visa Dialogue. A wider aim of the project is to organize four data based discussions that differentiate between the EU and EEU integration frameworks providing unbiased information on the effects of both integration schemes on foreign, social and economic policies. The project is implemented through organization of three seminars and a sum-up workshop in selected regions of Armenia with participation of local and international experts on the Eastern Partnership policy in the region including academicians and officials from Latvia and Czech Republic. Outcomes include increased level of awareness obtained through consolidated communication of comparative data on EU - Armenia relations, mobilization of active participants to produce follow up publications in cooperation with local and international experts

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Committee to Protect Freedom of Expression, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To protect the rights of journalists and cameramen who were attacked and arrested while performing their professional duties, whose photo and video cameras were broken by the police during #electricyerevan events on 23 June 2015. Court cases initiated on the violations of the rights of the media workers will be followed up by the project team; the activities of the lawyers defending the rights of the journalists and cameramen in the courts will be coordinated in order to develop and implement a common strategy and tactics. Ten media workers and their lawyers will cooperate with the CPFE within the project. Lawyer Ara Ghazaryan will be engaged in the project as a mentor to direct the initiated court cases on the same direction. When all possible court instances will be used on national level, and exhaustion of effective local remedies will take place, the project aims to apply to international instances. The court cases will be coordinated among the lawyers to ensure the same logic of developments, as after exhausting all court instances in Armenia, the final aim is apply to the UN Human Rights Committee on the protection of the rights of journalists and cameramen

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Investigative Journalists, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To enhance anti-corruption efforts in the country, to ensure public control over transparent and accountable management of public funds and governance through journalistic investigations. Journalistic investigations will be conducted to uncover cases of power abuse in national and local level, energy and mining sectors, public procurement, banking sector and education (spending of international loans on school construction). Investigations will also be directed towards covering local issues, raising the issue of transparency and accountability of community lands’ sell-out auction processes, monitoring community enlargement reform process and media environment. The project will consist of 3 components – 1) anti-corruption (journalistic investigation of cases of corruption and state power abuse conducted in national and local level; journalistic investigations of public procurement, financial frauds and corruption risks in energy, mining, banking sectors, spending of education loans); 2) accountability and transparency of local self-government bodies (journalistic investigation of activities of municipal and regional councils, spending of community budgets, covering local issues and local elections; ensuring transparency and accountability of community lands’ sell-out auction processes; monitoring community enlargement referendum campaign process and reporting the situation through articles and press-conferences to ensure participation of the local population in the process and its right to be informed); 3) media environment (media ownership investigated, and the results published in series of articles; court cases of libel and insult, violence against journalists raised in articles). During implementation of the project 7 journalistic investigations will be conducted, 216 articles will be written, 2 films and 45 photo-stories will be made, 4 online programs will be broadcast, 2 sector investigations and 2 media analysis will be published

  • Date of Grant Letter:



    Civil Society

    Grant Number:



    Helsinki Committee of Armenia

    Grant Amount:



    The purpose of the grant has two main directions: human rights in closed institutions and freedom of peaceful assemblies. Within the first direction the organization’s activities aimed at protection of rights of prisoners, life-termed imprisoned and conscripts at Army. To this end HCA will conduct three types of activities: 1) the research of the army situation, which will be based on the questioning of dismissed conscripts (about 25 – 30 people); stories on army will be collected; 2) the “public front desk” for penitentiaries will be organized. Within this component a group of professional lawyers will be visiting the penitentiaries to conduct monitoring and provide free legal aid to 60 detainees; 3) the litigations of 10 torture cases and cases of life-term imprisoned will be continued. Within the second component, the monitoring of the peaceful assemblies will be conducted, including preparation of the pool of monitors (30 – 40 people), to be better prepared for pre-electoral periods. Also, taking into account the developments of protest actions against the rise of electricity price in June 2015 which occurred not only in Yerevan but in other cities of Armenia, HCA will be monitoring the peaceful assemblies in Gyumri and Vanadzor. Training will be conducted for the new observers (in Yerevan - 9 observers, Gyumri – 3 observers, Vanadzor – 3 observers) and a monitoring schedule will be developed"

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Public Journalism Club

    Grant Amount:



    To support film production of #electricyerevan June 23 documentary presenting cases of violations of fundamental freedoms and human rights during 23 June 2015 peaceful protests happening in Yerevan and Gyumri. The documentary film will focus on stories of citizens, activists, human rights defenders, journalists, whose rights and fundamental freedoms were violated during the demonstration against increase of electricity price. The film will map the major human rights violation cases of that day, through personal, first-hand accounts and interviews. Violations of the rights of journalists to perform their professional duties will also be raised in the documentary. Original interviews will be mixed with a footage obtained from media companies that filmed the protest, police brutalities and clashes. Photos taken by photo agencies will be used as well. The film will be subtitled into Russian and English. Presentation of the film in Yerevan and regions will be organized

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Public Journalism Club

    Grant Amount:



    To support operation of Media Center for providing a discussion platform for civil society and media to organize press-conferences, debates, regional discussions on the current social and political developments, the issues of human rights and democratization. Media Center will be a collaborative platform for civil society, media, politicians, and activists where discussions, debates, movie screenings, and interviews will be organized around current social and political developments taking place in the country. At least 70 discussions/press-conferences will be organized on current developments, 10 online debates will be conducted in cooperation with A1Plus. In addition, 10 regional discussions will be held in cooperation with partner NGOs to raise and discuss local issues that arise at local level but can be brought in to wider public discourse through Media Center outreach. A series of 10 interviews of hard talk format with political and civil society figures on democratization, political developments and human rights, economic and social issues will be organized. Eight online Q&A sessions with regional partners will be organized to address their questions to experts, officials, analysts. Discussions/press-conferences will be broadcast live through Media Center’s YouTube channel. British Embassy will invest $5,100

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Journalists for Human Rights, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To support strategic case on right to live, particularly concerning the death of sergeant Sargis Sahakyan at armed forces. An application to ECHR will be submitted

  • Date of Grant Letter:



    Civil Society

    Grant Number:



    Rights Information Center, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To cover the office rent and utilities for Goris based Rights information Center, NGO during one year to restart the NGO's operation and support local activism. Within the year the NGO will provide free legal aid and constituency to seventy - eighty people a month, organize local budget monitoring in six communities with World Vision’s grant, restart online debates on key problems, open a library with more than three hundred items on human rights and embark to intensive fundraising for office rent to ensure sustainability of its operation

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Helsinki Committee of Armenia

    Grant Amount:



    For contributing to the formation of anti-discrimination attitudes towards marginalized groups through building media capacities. Twenty journalists from Yerevan-based and regional media outlets will participate in a training aimed at increasing their awareness and sensitivity towards human rights and discrimination issues. The trained journalists will then produce thematic media materials, including articles, TV programs, providing coverage of discrimination faced by various marginalized groups thus challenging dominant media discourse of inequality

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Armenian Pediatric Association

    Grant Amount:



    To improve quality of life and welfare of the children who need palliative care and their families through assessing needs for pediatric palliative care in Armenia by using UNICEF methodology (scopes and character of needed services, current capacities, staffing of institutions providing care for the children of target groups; systemic gaps of services); to develop the national concept on the pediatric palliative care and action plan and submit them to the Ministry of Health (development of the models of care and plan of actions to address needs, circulation among key stake-holders and submission to the Ministry of Health); to raise awareness on modern concepts of pediatric palliative care among relevant professionals, decision makers, media and public to raise the knowledge and demand in the services (launch of TV and e-media programs, organization of round-table discussions)

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Agate, Center for Women with Special Needs, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To develop an advocacy agenda based on international human rights obligations adopted by Armenia; to promote the gender and disability perspective in existing programs and legislative frameworks; to generate data on violence against women with disabilities. A survey among twenty organizations working for gender equality, women empowerment and the rights of people with disabilities will be carried out to determine the level of incorporation of gender and disability perspectives in their projects. One hundred and fifty women with different types of disabilities from all regions of Armenia and Yerevan will be interviewed for the nationwide survey on violence against women with disabilities. Both studies will be summarized in reports and presented to representatives of international organizations, women’s rights organizations, disabled people’s organizations (DPOs) during a meeting with their representatives. An awareness raising training-discussion on disability-related international human rights obligations and recommendations will be held for representatives of twenty five DPOs. The participants will develop an advocacy action plan based on relevant UPR recommendations. The participants will also be trained to carry out surveys among women with disabilities

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Unison, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To identify and challenge discrimination on the grounds of disability through: 1) monitoring online media, which includes challenging the discriminatory coverage, and publication of monitoring report; 2) implementing an awareness campaign against discrimination in media; 3) designing three storytelling public service announcements (PSAs) to challenge the discriminatory media coverage; 4) organizing a capacity building workshop for forty persons with disabilities (PWDs) including those of most vulnerable groups suffering double discrimination aimed at empowering PWDs to challenge discrimination and defend their rights; 5) maintaining a telephone hotline service aimed at addressing actual cases of discrimination against PWDs, including provision of legal assistance

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Helsinki Citizens' Assembly - Vanadzor

    Grant Amount:



    To contribute to the enhancement of national mechanisms of human rights protection in Armenia through conducting legislation analyses and developing recommendations on amendments to the effective legislation and legal practices and their compliance with relevant international standards. This will include legislative acts adopted throughout the monitoring and implementation of the Action Plan of the National Strategy on Human Rights Protection and the Strategic Program for the RA Judicial and Legal Reforms; the draft of Criminal Procedure Code, as well as legislative initiatives on setting up permanent observation groups in the armed forces and medical facilities for persons with mental health problems. The recommendations to the relevant ministries will be on the legal entity status of non-governmental organizations for the purposes of public interest protection to be incorporated in the RA Law on Non-Governmental Organizations; on the draft RA Law on Rights and Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities to define the legal entity procedural status of non-governmental organizations engaged in protection of the rights of persons with disabilities for the purposes of public interest protection; on implementing by the state the Strategy to Combat Corruption in Public Administration System and on the introduction of the military ombudsman institute in the country. Advocacy initiatives through created working groups will be initiated to promote adoption of the recommendations

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Helsinki Citizens' Assembly - Vanadzor

    Grant Amount:



    To contribute to the enhancement of national mechanisms of human rights protection in Armenia through: 1) providing legal aid and legal counseling to 500-550 people living in Vanadzor, Yerevan, Armavir, Gavar, Artashat, Charentsavan and Yeghegnadzor cities. Litigation of 44 cases will be conducted and 5 additional strategic litigation cases will be initiated; 2) information through mass media monitoring on the death cases in Armed Forces will be collected and monitoring of implementation of National Strategy Action Plans on Mental Health, Human Rights Protection and Judicial and Legal Reforms and a study of Armenia policies on drug users will be conducted, 7 references and reports will be published on death cases in the armed forces, the human rights situation of conscripts throughout the winter and summer call-ups, the human rights situation in the armed forces, the cases of conscripts with health problems declared fit for military service, on the ceasefire violations, narcotic drug use situation, the Mental Health State Policy, the human rights situation on the issues identified during the legal aid services; 3) public debates, press conferences and public awareness campaigns on the human rights situation in the country will be held, at least 2 capacity building trainings will be organized to advance cooperation with human rights organizations, activists and networks (1 training on the rights and duties of conscripts and servicemen and legal regulations on protection of conscripts’ rights for 30-60 participants and 1 capacity building of observation for 25-30 participants)

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    New Generation, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To increase the level of awareness of the Armenian regional civil society organizations and youth about discrimination and the importance of fighting against discrimination in 5 target regions (Lori, Shirak, Syunik, Tavush and Yerevan). From each region twenty representatives of local and international organizations as well as local authority representatives will participate in meeting-discussions aimed at raising awareness on discrimination issues. The participants will develop a narrative towards the need to have a law on anti-discrimination, which will be presented during a media discussion at Media Center. The project experts and relevant stakeholders will participate in five TV programs about discrimination in five target regions in order to raise awareness among wider population through media. One thousand educational and informational brochures on discrimination will be printed and distributed in five regions. Up to twenty young people from each region will participate in educational meetings aimed at raising their awareness about discrimination and strengthening capacities to implement similar small projects. The participants of the training will design and implement five follow-up community based projects on the topic of discrimination

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Umbrella, Journalists International Network, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To challenge the deeply rooted stereotypes about representatives of various marginalized groups through articles and human stories. The rights of the following vulnerable groups will be covered - women’s rights, LGBT, people with disabilities, religious minorities, people with HIV/AIDS – aiming to challenge discriminatory attitudes towards these groups. Published articles and stories will promote tolerance towards marginalized groups to reduce manifestation of discrimination and to challenge dominant media discourse of inequality. 40 articles, 20 photo stories and 20 illustrations will be published to cover and to raise public awareness of the rights of the marginalized groups

  • Date of Grant Letter:



    Public Health

    Grant Number:



    Real World, Real People, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To improve access to adequate medical services for people in need of palliative care and most at risk population vulnerable to HIV and empower them to protect their rights through raising knowledge of at least 80 medical providers and patients on the legal aspects of pain management and methadone substitution treatment protocols; raising knowledge and empowering at least 30 people (palliative care patients and their families) and at least 100 people representing groups of most at risk of HIV and PLHIV through legal aid and media (FB “Life without pain” page) to claim access to adequate medical services

  • Date of Grant Letter:



    Public Health

    Grant Number:



    Khnamk, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To achieve a systemic change in the area of mental health through establishment and implementing the community-based type of model for 16 people in the premises provided by the City Municipality of Spitak town. The model will be based on recovery and community participation principles. The project envisages renovation of the premises, selection of staff and beneficiaries, delivery of services, evaluation of services and submission of the evaluation results to the government for financial and regulatory adjustments and for further expansion of services nation-wide

  • Date of Grant Letter:



    Public Health

    Grant Number:



    Yerevan State University after M. Heratsi

    Grant Amount:



    For establishment of the program of training medical doctors in new specialty – palliative medicine, development of curriculum in palliative care compliant with international standards and integration into Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi residencies and continuous medical education syllabus. The goal will be achieved through training faculty members in teaching palliative medicine as subspecialty, developing course curricula for residency subspecialty and doctors continuous medical education courses, establishing the palliative care clinical unit for bedside teaching and inclusion of the course into the program

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Asparez, Journalists' Club, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To support publication of “Asparez” daily newspaper to cover social-political developments, regional issues, human rights through analytical articles, investigative stories and interviews; to support operation of internet radio “Asparez” and www.asparez.am website to provide audience/readers with independent, alternative content. The daily newspaper will be published five days per week with 1,000 copies and disseminated throughout the country. Radio news programs will be broadcast 4-times hourly with 3-6 minutes length; daily 1-2 interviews will be conducted and broadcast on the radio on the issues of social and political importance and be available in YouTube. Daily news, analysis and interviews will be published on asparez.am website. Five special supplements will be published with 1,200 copies and free of charge disseminated with the daily newspaper. The activities of the partner NGOs, human rights issues, and interviews with human rights defenders/activists will be presented in the supplements to increase visibility of the activities of the civil society and human rights issues. A research will be conducted to find out preferences of newspaper readers focused on their needs and interests. Based on the market research, a marketing plan will be developed and implemented to promote sales of the daily newspaper and advertisement volumes in the newspaper. By the end of the project an assessment will be done to evaluate preferable type of JCA’s media outlets – newspaper, radio, online publication. By December 2015 it is planned to reach sale level of 1,000 copies of the newspaper per day. The grant is aimed to purchase equipment for implementation of “Media for Civil Activism - 2” project (Grant 19079)

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Asparez, Journalists' Club, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To support publication of “Asparez” daily newspaper to cover social-political developments, regional issues, human rights through analytical articles, investigative stories and interviews; to support operation of internet radio “Asparez” and www.asparez.am website to provide audience/readers with independent, alternative content. The daily newspaper will be published five days per week with 1,000 copies and disseminated throughout the country. Radio news programs will be broadcast 4-times hourly with 3-6 minutes length; daily 1-2 interviews will be conducted and broadcast on the radio on the issues of social and political importance and be available in YouTube. Daily news, analysis and interviews will be published on asparez.am website. Five special supplements will be published with 1,200 copies and free of charge disseminated with the daily newspaper. The activities of the partner NGOs, human rights issues, and interviews with human rights defenders/activists will be presented in the supplements to increase visibility of the activities of the civil society and human rights issues. A research will be conducted to find out preferences of newspaper readers focused on their needs and interests. Based on the market research, a marketing plan will be developed and implemented to promote sales of the daily newspaper and advertisement volumes in the newspaper. By the end of the project an assessment will be done to evaluate preferable type of JCA’s media outlets – newspaper, radio, online publication. By December 2015 it is planned to reach sale level of 1,000 copies of the newspaper per day

  • Date of Grant Letter:



    Public Health

    Grant Number:



    Pain Control and Palliative Care Association

    Grant Amount:



    To ensure access of at least sixty patients in Yerevan to palliative care services by establishing three mobile teams (ten specialists) at the National Oncology Hospital in Yerevan. The services will be provided based on the national standards and pain management guidelines adopted by the government. The physicians, nurses and psychologists will be retrained on palliative care prior to involving them into the mobile teams. Information campaign will be conducted through www.hospice.am website and facebook page, one TV program, two round tables for all physicians and related specialists, patients and family members about the availability of services and need in expansion of services throughout the country

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Bridge of Hope, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To participate in the process of preparing written contributions to be submitted to the Committee for the UNCRPD by several OSF ECP grantees under the leadership of Enabling Education Network (EENET), to prepare well-researched document about inclusive education in Armenia context, in a format that can be contributed to the UN CRPD commenting process

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Helsinki Citizens' Assembly - Vanadzor

    Grant Amount:



    To promote an anti-discrimination culture formation within police system, through providing two pilot trainings for Police Academy students and Police representatives

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Boon, Cultural-Scientific Foundation

    Grant Amount:



    To put forward suggestions and recommendations for the new 2016-2025 Education development strategy. Within the scope of the project the team will comprehensively analyze the previous reform projects, available researches conducted on local level, international experience and will organize professional discussions and debates using Boon TV capacities. Overall 20 videos will be prepared with participation of various expert representatives of both general and higher education fields. The outcome of the project will come down to a set of suggestions and recommendations for both general and higher education fields that will shape the concept proposed for the new education development strategy

  • Date of Grant Letter:



    Civil Society

    Grant Number:



    KhoranArd, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To provide technical equipment for organizing online streaming of events within the grant #19028 aimed at supporting local civic activism through Civil Society Hub in Shirak to mobilize local NGOs and active youth around a collective agenda of protection of human rights and public interests, reach communities to promote local government accountability, engage in mainstream discussions, and raise local problems to the broader public. This will be accomplished through the following: 1) to provide space and organize at least 6 public discussions/debates in Gyumri to share alternative content on key issues in cooperation with civil society partners; 2) to provide advanced learning opportunities for local activists through education courses on human rights, civic activism, local governance accountability, public monitoring, advocacy, leadership, environmental problems, etc; 3) to support and mobilize the active youth from 4 target communities (Arevik, Tsoghamarg, Ashotsk, and Bavra) for raising local issues, empower them with knowledge, resources and tools for monitoring the local government activities and help in formulating asks for inclusion into local governments agendas; 4) to conduct monitoring of target communities’ budgets’ compliance with development programs and provide recommendations; 5) to establish a mobile group of experts to support local activism in target communities; 6) to organize 4 public meetings on budget items and local issues in target communities with participation of community members and local government; 7) to organize monitoring of local elections in Shirak to be conducted in 2015; 8) to organize streaming and video-conferences on the most urgent issues with the help of Media Center and other media; 9) to exchange information and cooperate with CS Hubs in Armavir, Syunik and Gegharkunik in local initiatives, discussions, press-conferences, local elections, etc.

  • Date of Grant Letter:



    Civil Society

    Grant Number:



    KhoranArd, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    For supporting local civic activism through Civil Society Hub in Shirak to mobilize local NGOs and active youth around a collective agenda of protection of human rights and public interests, reach communities to promote local government accountability, engage in mainstream discussions, and raise local problems to the broader public. This will be accomplished through the following: 1) to provide space and organize at least 6 public discussions/debates in Gyumri to share alternative content on key issues in cooperation with civil society partners; 2) to provide advanced learning opportunities for local activists through education courses on human rights, civic activism, local governance accountability, public monitoring, advocacy, leadership, environmental problems, etc; 3) to support and mobilize the active youth from 4 target communities (Arevik, Tsoghamarg, Ashotsk, and Bavra) for raising local issues, empower them with knowledge, resources and tools for monitoring the local government activities and help in formulating asks for inclusion into local governments agendas; 4) to conduct monitoring of target communities’ budgets’ compliance with development programs and provide recommendations; 5) to establish a mobile group of experts to support local activism in target communities; 6) to organize 4 public meetings on budget items and local issues in target communities with participation of community members and local government; 7) to organize monitoring of local elections in Shirak to be conducted in 2015; 8) to organize streaming and video-conferences on the most urgent issues with the help of Media Center and other media; 9) to exchange information and cooperate with CS Hubs in Armavir, Syunik and Gegharkunik in local initiatives, discussions, press-conferences, local elections, etc.

  • Date of Grant Letter:




    Grant Number:



    Boundaries of Our Rights

    Grant Amount:



    To reveal and prevent violations of rights of detainees in the police facilities of Armenia by constant monitoring of the Detention Facilities. This will be accomplished by: 1) conducting regular planned visits (at least once to each institution) and urgent visits to the all Police Detention Facilities to evaluate the needs of detainees, documenting violations with a focus on ill-treatment and torture cases, and immediately applying to relevant state bodies to redress infringements; 2) initiating litigation on identified torture and ill treatment cases; 3) sharing information about the situation and violations in the police facilities to broad public and media. The Group will target the process of implementation of the Police reform as per national strategy plan and CPT recommendations; address the cases of improper investigation by the officers and problems with medical service. The Group will closely cooperate with the Penitentiary Monitoring Group for revealing torture and inhuman treatment cases and engaging other partners for publicizing the situation in closed institutions and advocating for the rights of detainees and convicts in closed institutions and for opening of police departments for public monitoring. The annual report on the human rights situation in the Police Detention Facilities will be prepared and published. Outside consultations will be provided for the Group by OSF-Armenia, which will be mandatory for the Group. The grant is provided with the pre-condition of implementing the following recommendations during the first 4 months: a) start efficient and working cooperation with the Group of Public Observers over the RA Penitentiary Institutions within the frames of a MoU, with a possibility of using shared physical working space; b) have at least 5 new members in the Group; c) apply a new/reviewed methodology to study the procedures of transportation of detainees, as well as register body injuries of the detainees with engagement of a psychologist and a doctor and using the instruments of Istanbul protocol; d) elaborate and present recommendations for improvements based on International reports CPT, CAT, UPR, ICCPR, HRW, CRC, US State Department; e) undertake efficient steps with engagement of other CS partners to advocate for opening the Police departments for public observation. By the end of the 4-th month of the project implementation, on June 30, 2015, OSF-Armenia will conduct an evaluation of the project in regard to realization of the recommendations and will decide on further funding of the project

  • Date of Grant Letter:



    Civil Society

    Grant Number:



    Martuni Women's Community Council

    Grant Amount:



    For providing technical support for organizing online broadcasting of events within the grant # 18986 aimed at supporting the regional Civil Society Hub in Martuni to mobilize local partner NGOs and active youth around a collective civic agenda of protection of human rights and public interests, support and engage local CS activists in promotion of local government accountability, get involved in mainstream discussions, and raise local problems to the broader public. This will be accomplished through the following: 1) provide advanced learning opportunities for local activists through setting of a “Civic Awareness School” and organizing a series of trainings on human rights, public journalism, local governance accountability, participation, advocacy, debates, etc; 2) provide space and organize at least 6 public discussions/debates in Martuni on the most important issues and developments in the country in cooperation with civil society partners; 3) support and mobilize the active youth from 5 target communities (Martuni, Vaghashen, Lichk, Vardenik and N. Getashen) for rising local issues, empower them with knowledge, resources and media tools for monitoring the local government activities and help in formulating asks for inclusion into local governments agendas; 4) organize competition for high school students on human rights topics; 5) conduct public meetings in 5 communities with wide engagement of youth to rise local problems, promote participation in local governance, including nomination of candidates for local elections: 6) organize monitoring of local elections in 5 communities of Gegharkunik province to be conducted in 2015; 7) organize streaming and video-conferences on the most urgent issues with the help of Media Center and other media; 8) exchange information and cooperate with CS Hubs in Shirak, Syunik and Armavir in local initiatives, discussions, press-conferences, local elections, etc.

  • Date of Grant Letter:



    Civil Society

    Grant Number:



    Martuni Women's Community Council

    Grant Amount:



    Purpose For supporting the regional Civil Society Hub in Martuni to mobilize local partner NGOs and active youth around a collective civic agenda of protection of human rights and public interests, support and engage rural CS community in promotion of local government accountability, get involved in mainstream discussions on key problems, and raise local problems to the broader public. This will be accomplished through the following: 1) Provide advanced learning opportunities for local activists through setting of a “Civic Awareness School” and organizing a series of trainings on human rights, public journalism, local governance accountability, participation, advocacy, debates, etc; 2) provide space and organize at least 6 public discussions/debates in Martuni on the most important issues and developments in the country in cooperation with civil society partners; 3) support and mobilize the active youth from 5 target communities (Martuni, Vaghashen, Lichk, Vardenik and N. Getashen) for rising local issues, empower them with knowledge, resources and media tools for monitoring the local government activities and help in formulating asks for inclusion into local governments agendas; 4) organize competition for high school students on human rights topics; 5) conduct public meetings in 5 communities with wide engagement of youth to rise local problems, promote participation in local governance, including nomination of candidates for local elections: 6) organize monitoring of local elections in 5 communities of Gegharkunik province to be conducted in 2015; 7) organize streaming and video-conferences on the most urgent issues with the help of Media Center and other media; 8) exchange information and cooperate with CS Hubs in Shirak, Syunik and Armavir in local initiatives, discussions, press-conferences, local elections, etc.

  • Date of Grant Letter:



    Civil Society

    Grant Number:



    Armavir Development Center, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    For technical support for organizing online broadcasting of Armavir CS hub's events within the grant # 18985 aimed at supporting local civic activism through Civil Society Hub in Armavir to mobilize local NGOs and active youth around a collective agenda of protection of human rights and public interests, reach communities to promote local government accountability, engage in mainstream discussions, and raise local problems to the broader public. This will be accomplished through the following: 1) provide advanced learning opportunities for local activists through setting of a “Democracy School” and organizing a series of trainings on public journalism, local governance accountability, participation, advocacy, debates, etc; 2) provide space and organize at least 6 public discussions/debates in Armavir to share alternative content on key issues in cooperation with civil society partners; 3) support and mobilize the active youth from 6 target communities (Metsamor, Qarakert, Noravan and Tandzut and new communities – Myasnikyan and Nalbandyan) for raising local issues, empower them with knowledge, resources and media tools for monitoring the local government activities and help in formulating asks for inclusion into local governments agendas; 4) conduct 2 public hearings on budget items in Myasnikyan and Nalbandyan communities with participation of community members and local government; 5) conduct 6 public meetings in the target communities to rise participation in communities’ development programs and budgets formation processes, engaging local youth; 6) organize CS activism camp in Armavir to rise the local NGOs awareness on counterparts activities in various spheres and promote CS cooperation; 7) organize monitoring of local elections in Aramavir to be conducted in 2015; 8) organize streaming and video-conferences on the most urgent issues with the help of Media Center and other media; 9) exchange information and cooperate with CS Hubs in Shirak, Syunik and Gegharkunik in local initiatives, discussions, press-conferences, local elections, etc.

  • Date of Grant Letter:



    Civil Society

    Grant Number:



    Armavir Development Center, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    For supporting local civic activism through Civil Society Hub in Armavir to mobilize local NGOs and active youth around a collective agenda of protection of human rights and public interests, reach communities to promote local government accountability, engage in mainstream discussions, and raise local problems to the broader public. This will be accomplished through the following: 1) provide advanced learning opportunities for local activists through setting of a “Democracy School” and organizing a series of trainings on public journalism, local governance accountability, participation, advocacy, debates, etc; 2) provide space and organize at least 6 public discussions/debates in Armavir to share alternative content on key issues in cooperation with civil society partners; 3) support and mobilize the active youth from 6 target communities (Metsamor, Qarakert, Noravan and Tandzut and new communities – Myasnikyan and Nalbandyan) for raising local issues, empower them with knowledge, resources and media tools for monitoring the local government activities and help in formulating asks for inclusion into local governments agendas; 4) conduct 2 public hearings on budget items in Myasnikyan and Nalbandyan communities with participation of community members and local government; 5) conduct 6 public meetings in the target communities to rise participation in communities’ development programs and budgets formation processes, engaging local youth; 6) organize CS activism camp in Armavir to rise the local NGOs awareness on counterparts activities in various spheres and promote CS cooperation; 7) organize monitoring of local elections in Aramavir to be conducted in 2015; 8) organize streaming and video-conferences on the most urgent issues with the help of Media Center and other media; 9) exchange information and cooperate with CS Hubs in Shirak, Syunik and Gegharkunik in local initiatives, discussions, press-conferences, local elections, etc.

  • Date of Grant Letter:



    Civil Society

    Grant Number:



    Collaboration for Democracy Center, NGO

    Grant Amount:



    To monitor, analyze, and report on the situation with the religious rights in Armenia, protect from the violations of the right of freedom of thought and conscious, inform public on the problems of religious intolerance and stereotypes. This will be achieved through the following: 1) identify and publicize through media the cases of violations of the religious rights and discrimination practices based on religion; 2) protect the right of freedom of thought and conscious through legal support and strategic litigations based on the identified cases; 3) maintain the database on the religious rights situation, conditions of alternative service, as well as, on the strategic litigations; 4) educate public on freedom of conscious and expression and raise the problems of religious tolerance and discrimination with engagement of civil society, governmental and international organizations; 5) share information with mass media, and interested parties, periodically update and maintain the www.religions.am web site
