Presentation and Discussion on the Assessment of Implementation of Inclusive Education in Armenia

On December 17th at 11 AM at the Congress Hotel Ballroom, Open Society Foundations – Armenia will hold presentation and discussion of research report on the Assessment of Implementation of Inclusive Education in Armenia.

The research was conducted by the Center for Educational Research and Consulting during January – June 2013. In the scope of the research 34 inclusive schools from Yerevan and 5 marzes of Armenia were surveyed. The main goal of the research was to assess the level of implementation of inclusive education policy in Armenia, revealing existing problems and risks, as well as potential opportunities with an aim to improve inclusive education system in Armenia.

The presentation of the report on the Assessment of Implementation of Inclusive Education in Armenia provides an additional opportunity to discuss and debate the problems of the mainstream education system, and particularly the problems related to implementation of the inclusive education reforms in Armenia in light of proposed overall inclusiveness to be achieved in 2022.

The Armenian Government, National Assembly, other public administration bodies, Yerevan and regional municipalities, international organizations, civil society, media, and sector experts are invited to the discussion.

For more information, please contact +37410 533862, +37410 536758, or email – [email protected]

You can read the report in full here