Open Society Foundations Armenia, together with the Open Society Media Program, jointly invite you to participate in the presentation and discussion of the MAPPING DIGITAL MEDIA: ARMENIA report, which will take place from 11:00 to 14:00 on 19 November 2013 in the Ballroom of the Congress Hotel.
You can read the full report here.
The Mapping Digital Media Project was implemented by the Open Society Media Program in over 50 countries, including Armenia. During 2011-2013, the Armenian research team drafted the country report jointly with an international team of editors and experts. The purpose of this global research is to find out how countries are transitioning from the traditional to the digital media. The Mapping Digital Media project assesses the global opportunities and risks that are created for media by the following developments: the switch-over from analog broadcasting to digital broadcasting; growth of new media platforms as sources of news; convergence of traditional broadcasting with telecommunications.
The presentation of the MAPPING DIGITAL MEDIA: ARMENIA report provides an opportunity to raise and discuss the digitization and media sector issues and challenges in Armenia, such as use of the digital dividend, the independence of the broadcast regulatory body, the broadcasting legislation, the transparency of media ownership, as well as the funding of the Public Television. The invited speakers will present the issues and make recommendations on improving the sector. Researchers from Russia, Lithuania, and Moldova will share their country experiences.
The Armenian Government, National Assembly, other public administration bodies, international organizations, civil society, media, and sector experts are invited to the discussion.